Your Benefits
Calvin's 10 unique PROMISES
1. One-to-one means you get individual attention by an expert lecturer with years of training experience.
2. Spread out over a flexible time-table schedule of total 10 hours training that suites you
3. Calvin’s own customised Videos for back-up learning at NO extra cost.
4. The full Photoshop software programme loaded (only R350 service fee) should it be required
5. Ideal venue: presented at my home training centre. (On-site training also available)
6. Flexible training schedule: Saturday classes and weekday evening classes available
7. Photoshop training since 1994: Confirming Calvin’s experience & expert knowledge.
8. Photoshop Certificate: Presented on attendance of all classes.
9. Providing a great learning experience
Quality, professional and reliable training.
10. Best value for money @ only R2495 over 10 hours total (incl videos, manual)

One-to-One expert training
“Learn Photoshop CC and market your business with confidence”
–Calvin Dorman